Emergencies Happen.

The Missing Link for a Complete Telemedicine Program

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Watch this short video
highlighting the flaws
in today's telemedicine

What are some common emergencies during telemedicine?

Common Emergencies During Telemedicine
  • Video Visit: A patient is on a standard video conference with her doctor and says she wants to commit suicide and explains how she wants to do it.  She is cutting herself on the video.
  • Video Visit: A patient has an expedited appointment and is COVID+, tachypneic, tachycardic, and “looks sick” on video.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring Video Visit: A compliant patient was not feeling well and took her vitals and a finger stick.  Glucose was  “high” on Glucometer (over 600).
  • Voicemail: A patient with a known history of depression leaves a voicemail with her healthcare practice.  She said on voicemail, “I want to kill my neighbor and drive off a cliff.”
  • MCT (Mobile Cardiac Telemetry): The monitoring device alerted for SVT but the patient was normotensive.

Listen to real 911 audio recordings of emergencies during telemedicine:

Learn criteria and examples of how to determine an emergency during telemedicine:

What is your emergency protocol now?

Below are a list of current protocols and the challenges associated:
  • Call 911 on behalf of patient
    • Reaching the incorrect 911 dispatch center
    • Incorrect location sent to 911
  • Instruct patient to call 911 or go to ER
    • Patient does not comply
  • Maintain a list of dispatch and ambulance contacts
    • Out of date lists
    • Priority Two numbers have longer hold times
  • Escalation to other managers, staff, and nurses
    • Time and resources used

Listen to real 911 audio recordings of emergencies during telemedicine:

Learn criteria and examples of how to determine an emergency during telemedicine:

How It Works

By easily integrating into your existing telemedicine platform, your staff can provide a reliable and compliant handoff at a level of service your patient deserves.


Step 1 Enter Text Request

Enter your patient’s name, request ALS or BLS response, and request the destination facility. When you talk to 911, this text will be sent to the 911 dispatcher handling the case.


Step 2 Air®GeoLocate

Use GPS locate the patient’s mobile device or enter the patient’s location to ensure the ambulance goes to the correct address, room, and floor.


Step 3 Talk to 911

Talk directly to the 911 dispatcher where your patient Is located. On-screen guidance helps reduce medical error and improve outcomes.

Handle Different Scenerios

911 jurisdiction routing by latitude & longitude

When your patient is on the road, our geolocation tool, Air®GeoLocate, will pull the real time latitude and longitude of the patient’s location, route your communication to the correct 911 jurisdiction servicing your patient’s zone, and document the latitude and longitude for the 911 dispatcher handling your case. There are no apps to download. We keep it simple, calm, and reliable for your staff, 911 dispatchers, and your patients.

Maintaining Level of Care

Quality handoff has proven to help

The Joint Commission recommends all hand-off procedures to have both written and verbal components. These types of handoff requirements have been shown to reduce medical error and adverse events.

New England Journal Of Medicine; 2014; 371(19) Starmer

Decrease In Medical Error
Reduce Adverse Events
Decrease In Near Misses

Improve your transition of care from
telehealth to 911 dispatchers

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