Emergencies are not limited to telehealth. Your staff communicates with patients by phone, text, and video conference. You may identify emergencies through a video visit, radiology finding, critical result, or remote monitoring. Telemedicine911 makes emergency activation easy for all touchpoints by keeping it on one platform. Expand users as needed from telehealth doctors to an emergency department clerk.
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You use multiple software programs in your organization. Single sign-on ensures Telemedicine911 is ready whether emergencies happen often or rarely. SAML allows administrators and IT to create and manage users on a system-wide level.
Do you track the emergencies that your staff encounter? When your staff use Telemedicine911 you can designate Super Users who can track and evaluate emergencies for your entire system. Listen to 911 activation audio recordings for case review and much more. Add our platform to your risk management strategies.
Your care does not stop after the 911 activation and neither does Telemedicine911. Our platform generates lists of patients who recently had an emergency, the nature of the emergencies, and the facilities to which they were directed. Build follow-up workflows originating from our platform and maintain continuity of care with your patients.
Your patients may be spread further than you think. The example map is of a real hospital in New Jersey. The red signifies the cities and towns their patients are in. The majority of their patients do live in the tri-state area but many are spread across half the United States. Whether a telemedicine emergency or radiology call back, Telemedicine911 reaches all areas in the United States where your patients may be located.
Need more info? Contact us today!